Hydrodynamics & Ocean Technology Laboratory
海洋科技及水動力研究室 (HOTLAB)
Dept of Marine Environment & Engineering
National Sun Yat-sen University
Wang, S. & Chuang, W.-L. (2025). Dynamic analysis of breaking wave impact on a floating offshore wind turbine via smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Marine Structures, 100, 103731.
Chuang, W.-L. (2024). On the fluid kinematics of common types of greenwater events: An experimental study. Applied Ocean Research, 153, 104235.
Chiu, M.-C., Chuang, L. Z.-H., Chuang, W.-L., Wu, L.-C., Huang, C.-J., & Zhang, Y. J. (2023). Utilizing ocean hydrodynamic modeling to enhance information management for emergency response to oil spill incidents in Taiwan waters. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11(11), 2094.
Chuang, W.-L., Lin, T.-C., & Wang, Y.-J. (2023). Greenwater due to plunging breaking wave impingement on a deck structure. Part 1: Experimental investigation on fluid kinematics. Ocean Engineering, 287, Part 2, 115859.
Miller, K., Chuang, W.-L., Kim, K., Chang, K.-A., & Chellam, S. (2023). Simultaneous in situ characterization of turbulent flocculation and reactor mixing using image analysis and particle image velocimetry in unison. ACS ES&T Engineering, 3(2), 295-305.
Chuang, W.-L. (2022). Experimental investigation on fluid kinematics and impact pressure of flat plate impacts on pure and aerated water. Ocean Engineering, 266, Part 3, 112837.
Chuang, W.-L., & Lin, S.-M. (2022). A PIV based algorithm for determining multiple velocity fields from crossflows in single field of view. Water, 14(12), 1877.
Chuang, W.-L., Chang, K.-A., Kaihatu, J., Cienfuegos, R., & Mokrani, C. (2020). Experimental study of force, pressure, and fluid velocity on a simplified coastal building under tsunami bore impact. Natural Hazards, 103, 1093-1120.
Do, J., Chuang, W.-L., & Chang, K.-A. (2020). Oil droplet sizing and velocity determination using fiber optic reflectometer. Measurement Science and Technology, 31, 065301.
Hsu, W.-Y., Huang, Z.-C., Na, B., Chang, K.-A., Chuang, W.-L., & Yang, R.-Y. (2019). Laboratory observation of turbulence and wave shear stresses under large scale breaking waves over a mild slope. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124, 7486–7512.
Sun, S.-H., Chuang, W.-L., Chang, K.-A., Kim, J.Y., Kaihatu, J., Huff, T., & Feagin, R. (2019). Imaging based nearshore bathymetry measurement using an unmanned aerial system. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 145(2), 04018044.
Chuang, W.-L., Chou, C.-B., Chang, K.-A., Chang, Y.-C., & Chin, H.-L. (2019). Atmospheric motion vectors derived from an infrared window channel of a geostationary satellite using particle image velocimetry. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 58, 199-211.
Chuang, W.-L., Chang, K.-A., & Mercier, R. (2018). Kinematics and dynamics of green water on a fixed platform in a large wave basin in focusing wave and random wave conditions. Experiments in Fluids, 59, 100.
Na, B., Chang, K.-A., Huang, Z.-C., Hsu, W.-Y., Chuang, W.-L., & Chen, Y.Y. (2018). Large-scale laboratory observation of fluid properties in plunging breaking waves. Coastal Engineering, 138, 66-79.
Chuang, W.-L., Chang, K.-A., & Mercier, R. (2017). Impact pressure and void fraction due to plunging breaking wave impact on a 2D TLP structure. Experiments in Fluids, 58(6), 68.
Chuang, W.-L., Chang, K.-A., & Mercier, R. (2015). Green water velocity due to breaking wave impingement on a tension leg platform. Experiments in Fluids, 56(7), 139.
Chuang, W.-L., Hsiao, S.-C., & Hwang, K.-S. (2014). Numerical and experimental study of pump sump flows. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 735416.
Chuang, W.-L., & Hsiao, S.-C. (2011). Three-dimensional numerical simulation of intake model with cross flow. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 23(3), 314-324.
Lin, T.-C., Chuang, W.-L., Wang Y.-J., & Hsu, T.-W. (2024). Numerical modeling of fluid kinematics due to plunging breaking wave impingement on a deck structure. Presented at the 43rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Singapore.
Chuang, W.-L., Pan, X.-Y., & Lin, T.-C. (2023). Experimental modeling of typical types of green water events. Presented at the 42nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Melbourne, Australia.
Chuang, W.-L., Chang, K.-A., & Mercier, R. (2019). Review of experimental modeling of green water in laboratories. Paper presented at the 29th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
Chuang, W.-L., Chang, K.-A., Kaihatu, J., Cienfuegos, R., & Mokrani, C. (2018). Experimental modeling of tsunami bore impingement on a simplified coastal building. Paper presented at the 37th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Baltimore, Maryland.
Chuang, W.-L., Chang, K.-A., & Mercier, R. (2018). Green water flow on a fixed model structure in a large wave basin under random waves. Paper presented at the 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Madrid, Spain.
Chuang, W.-L., Chang, K.-A., & Mercier, R. (2017). Green water on a fixed model in a large wave basin: Flow velocity, void fraction, and impact pressure distributions. Paper presented at the 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Trondheim, Norway.
Chuang, W.-L., Chang, K.-A., & Mercier, R. (2016). Impact pressure, void fraction, and green water velocity due to plunging breaking wave impingement on a 2d tension-leg structure. Paper presented at the 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Busan, South Korea.
Chuang, W.-L., Chang, K.-A., & Mercier, R. (2015). Application of dam-break flow solution to predict the green water velocity on a 2d tension-leg platform. Paper presented at the 25th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Kona, Big Island, Hawaii, USA.
Chuang, W.-L., Chang, K.-A., & Mercier, R. (2015). Void fraction and impact pressure caused by breaking wave impingement on a 2d tension-leg structure. Paper presented at the 25th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Kona, Big Island, Hawaii, USA.
Chuang, W.-L., Chang, K.-A., & Mercier, R. (2014). Experimental modeling of breaking wave impingement on a tension-leg platform. Paper presented at the 24th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Busan, South Korea.
Chuang, W.-L., Hsiao, S.-C., Wu, H.-R., & Wu, T.-R. (2010). Three-dimensional numerical simulation on intake model with cross flow. Paper presented at the 17th National Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Jhongli, Taiwan.
Chuang, W.-L., Hsiao, S.-C., Hwang, K.-S., & Lin, C.-P. (2009). Numerical and experimental study of pump sump flows. Paper presented at the 33rd Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Miaoli, Taiwan.